Caelux is a pioneer in utilizing perovskites to make solar energy more powerful and cost-effective, enabling the next generation of solar innovation. Caelux works with the world’s leading module companies to improve the performance of crystalline silicon modules. Through our proprietary technology, we’re making solar more powerful while making it cost less.
HSC has been a leading global provider of hyper-pure polysilicon, and is the only polysilicon manufacturer headquartered in the United States. HSC polysilicon is used to make computer chips – the “brains” behind the electronic devices we rely on to make our lives easier, safer and more enjoyable. HSC is just one of five major manufacturers in the world that makes polysilicon used to create semiconductor wafers. In fact, nearly all electronic devices in the world contain HSC polysilicon. HSC also supplies the rapidly growing solar power industry. The low embodied greenhouse gas emissions in our polysilicon materials facilitates the production of ultra low-carbon solar panels. These panels allow solar project developers and owners to lower the embodied carbon of their projects by up to 50 percent. HSC is a majority-owned subsidiary of Corning.
CubicPV is creating a solar energy future defined by more powerful tandem solar modules, dramatic reductions in the cost of electricity, and lower embodied carbon.
Founded in 1999, First Solar is a leading American solar technology company and global provider of responsibly produced eco-efficient solar modules advancing the fight against climate change. The company is unique among the world’s ten largest solar manufacturers for being the only US-headquartered company and not manufacturing in China. First Solar’s advanced thin film photovoltaic (PV) modules represent the next generation of solar technologies, providing a competitive, high-performance, lower-carbon alternative to conventional crystalline silicon (c-Si) PV panels.
Heliene is the result of an alliance between Helios Energy Europe and North American-based entrepreneurs committed to changing the way solar providers support and contribute to customers’ success. Heliene is challenging the solar industry status quo by putting customers first. It’s doing so as well by manufacturing high quality, competitively priced solar systems made to order in North America. By supporting customers with its in house logistics team and just in time supply chain solution. And by being remarkably responsive. We’re also challenging ourselves to help repair the world, a concept grounded in the ancient Hebrew – Tikkun Olam – but highly relevant today. It’s a promise, a commitment and a singular focus that guides our support for customers. It guides us to continuously innovate to produce high performing solar modules, and to create good jobs for North American workers.